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     Riverview’s Deacon Ministry resembles the New Testament deacons, serving the Lord by doing the benevolence work of the church, visiting the sick, being alert to the spiritual needs of the congregation-for the purposes of freeing the pastoral staff to focus on prayer and the ministry of the Word, promoting unity within the church, and facilitating the spread of the gospel.


     Riverview’s Trustee Ministry strive through the power of the Holy Spirit, to be used as vessels for the body Christ. With

Christ as our example, and His ministry as our

model, we understand that the nature of our

ministry is SERVICE, the motive of our ministry

is LOVE, the measure of our ministry is

SACRIFICE and the purpose of our ministry is to

GLORIFY GOD. Serving in unity, we embrace the vision of the church and                                     support the work of the Pastor in the perfecting of                                   the saints for the work of the ministry for the                                           edifying of the body of Christ.

                                       Trustees of Riverview support the ministry of                                     the Church by giving oversight to maintenance and care of church properties; managing the fiscal operations; serving as legal custodians; and promoting the unity of the body of Christ.  

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